James Bond wannabe

I found this at Carforums.net and I don't know if it's really cool, or really lame. This guy claims he installed James Bond type of mods on this ride. It has oxygen masks, a pistol compartment, can leave oil slicks and tacks from the rear and even has shotgun turrets. I mean, it's cool to have that kind of shit on the movies and if you're the mysterious spy guy type who has a lot of enemies. But let's be real, How often can you use oil slicks? or even the nail tacks and the shotgun turret?

Basically, if what he says is true and he did put all those modifications on that car, I think he's nuts. Not only is it useless, but ugly as well, I mean look at the interior, it's plain ugly. But that's just me, maybe some rich dude who has a passion for this type of craziness will actually buy it, who knows.
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